terre’blanche’s naive widow

At the trial against the suspected murderer of South African rightwing leader Eugene Terre’Blanche, his widow testified that the accusation that her husband ‘sodomised’ the suspect could not be true. It would be totally against his political principles, she claimed. In other words: Terre’Blanche was rightwing and racist and therefore a straight and white supremacist.
Austrian politician Jörg Haider was rightwing, and gay.
Nazi leader Ernst Röhm was gay.
Dutch King of Conspiracy Willem Oltmans was pro-Apartheid and hunting black boys to satisfy his sexual desires.
Some things go well together.
In the nineties, Skyline, a Johannesburg gay bar, was my favorite hang out. One night I met Henry, a white middle aged man who proudly told me about the overwhelming response he got from the notes with his phone number he handed to black guys in the bar. Then he said that I should not get him wrong. ‘You can get a black out of the bush but you can’t get the bush out of the darkie.’
We don’t know if the accused tells the truth. We do know that Ms Terre’Blanche is extremely naïve.
(picture: Roy Blumenthal)